Free tree!

We are teaming up with ReForest Frankfort! 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳

SFNA will deliver and plant a sapling to any paid, current neighborhood association member following the ReForest event (4/6).

Both existing and NEW memberships ‘count’ towards getting your new, free tree! If you’re not a member currently, now is a great time to join – what fun to all have trees growing together to benefit our community. 😊

‼️You MUST RSVP by Thursday, April 4th to get in line for your tree and schedule the planting. ***We can not accept RSVPs after this date.***

Requests must be within existing neighborhood boundaries; we are carefully following City guidelines and codes about planting.

To RSVP, simply message us or comment on facebook – please note if you are a current paid member, or a new/want-to-renew member. We can collect new/renewal dues when we come by to plant! Easy!

Looking forward to refreshing our sweet little neighborhood and being kind to the earth – let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions!

SFNA Quarterly Meeting Agenda 3.25.2019

David Stumbo, President
Kim Vanderoort, Vice-President
Ellen Collins, Treasurer
Katherine Mueller, Secretary
Joel Fischer, Past President
Jeff Jagnow, Member-at-Large

• Treasurer’s Report (Ellen)
• Scholarship fund update (Ellen)
• Membership Report (Ellen)
• Tiger Grant Update
• Farmer’s Market Update
• Expedition Frankfort Update (Katie)
• Location Ideas for next Quarterly Meeting – 2nd Quarter will be held at 1st Corinthian on 2nd & Logan. future locations after that?

  • Dodgeball Tourney; 5/18 @ FHS Gym
  • Racquetball Tourney; 4/6 @ KSU Courts
  • Potential Tennis Tourney; 4/13, rain date of 4/14 @ PAC Courts (David)
  • • FHS Track Meet; 5/8, 5:30pm, WHHS — Need volunteer or two (David)

• 6/7 @ Downtown Summer Concert – Membership Table set up – we can’t sell anything, can paint faces (Katie) and recruit membership. We need a pop-up tent, contact Katie

• Potential next meeting dates – June, September, Potluck Party (no business discussed) in December (looking at IOOF Lodge, open to suggestions)

• Membership Drive – ideas? – open to discussion

• Fall Picnic – need to choose a block – open to discussion

• Have added a donate button to website – want to add one to FB, can’t until we have 2000 LIKES. Starting Like drive tomorrow so we can add the button!

• On the table: inviting one city commissioner or the mayor to each quarterly meeting to give an update, when possible. 
NOTE: we no longer have a commissioner residing in South Frankfort

Open the Floor

Get to Casa Fiesta! Tacos and margaritas for a cause!

Monday 25 March 2019 – SFNA Quarterly Meeting

7pm at the VFW Annex Building
2nd Street at Capital Ave (tan building closest to the Bridge)

Rescheduled Q1 meeting! We will hear from board members about upcoming scholarship fundraisers, a progress report from the 2nd Street Tiger Grant, and an update about Expedition Frankfort. We encourage everyone to attend – big (and big fun) things happening in 2019! We love new faces – come one, come all – if you’ve never been, start now!

Many thanks to our gracious hosts, the VFW! The meeting will be in the non-smoking annex right next to the VFW.