public comments on two-way Main Street Dec 2016 – January 2017

Attached you will find information and a website for the City’s Two Way Main Street Project.  Please take some time to look at the proposed scope and give your comments on the website.

All comments regarding the project will be compiled and forwarded to the Commission.

Feel free to pass this on to anyone you feel would be interested or have an opinion about the project.

There are plans to have a public meeting about this, comments may also be submitted as part of regular City Commission work sessions.

West Main Street Flyer

A a quarterly newsletter for the people of Franklin County

Franklin County Fiscal Court Expands Outreach to Community

In their continuing effort to expand outreach to the citizens of the county the Franklin County Fiscal Court has entered into an agreement with TCHQ Communications of Frankfort to produce and distribute a quarterly newsletter for the people of Franklin County.

“This is a unique opportunity for us,” Judge/Executive Huston Wells said. “We will be in the mail boxes of all county residents four times a year, letting them know what county government is doing and what’s happening in the community, and it won’t cost tax payers a dime.”

Printing and distribution, which will be done though the United States Postal Service, of the Franklin County News will be paid for through advertising dollars. “Business and non-profit organizations interested in advertising will be able to reach every mail box in the county for as little as .0079 cents per household.” Said Leo Haggerty, founder of TCHQ Communications. Non-profit agencies will receive a 25% discount.

“Communication is very important. That has been one of the priorities of this Fiscal Court. I see this as an extension of the work we have done with our website and social media.” Judge Wells went on to say.

“Businesses interest in adverting should call (502) 209-7619 or visit for more information.” Haggerty pointed out. “The first issue will be delivered to the Post Office mid-February and should be in mail boxes a couple of days later.”

public meeting 15 Dec 2016: Frankfort Plant Board reservoir discussion

Public meeting scheduled December the 15th at the FPB Clubhouse. A walking tour for those interested will begin at 4:30 pm.  The Public meeting will begin at 5:30 pm with a couple of presentations and public comment period after.

from the Commission Work Session (28 Nov 2016):
David Billings of the Frankfort Plant Board gave a brief presentation and update on the reservoir. A complete copy of the presentation can be found on the Frankfort Plant Board’s website. Billings indicated there would be a public meeting to discuss the reservoir at 5 p.m. on December 15. A brief walking tour of the reservoir will take place prior to the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

The Plant Board’s regular meeting is scheduled for 20 December 2016

The Plant Board presentation on the reservoir issues is here: fpb-frankfort-reservoir

The Plant Board notice about the meeting, from the November session, is here: