Thurs 9 Nov 2017 – public meeting on City Hall-Fire Station building assessment

City of Frankfort

The City of Frankfort and Frankfort Fire Department is continuing the process of preparing a Building Assessment and Planning Study to improve City Hall and Fire Station No. 1.

A public meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 9th at the Paul Sawyier Public Library located at 319 Wapping Street for you to provide input regarding how you would like to improve your City Hall and Fire Station. Our Consultant, Brandstetter Carroll Inc., will facilitate the interactive meeting, but the main discussion will be for and from the residents.

Your answers to questions will provide the framework and the priorities for the proposed improvements to the City Hall and Fire Station No. 1. The City and the Fire Department want the assessment and plan to reflect the desires and needs of the citizens of Frankfort. Therefore, your responses to these questions are very important. If you cannot make it to the meeting, please provide your answers in writing or visit the City of Frankfort website for access to a public survey link where you can respond. Please mail your responses to:

City of Frankfort
c/o Wayne Briscoe, Fire Chief
300 West 2nd Street, Suite #3
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

We are looking forward to hearing from you!!!

City of Frankfort and Frankfort Fire Department

Information & Resources on FPB issues 27 Oct 2017

The South Frankfort Neighborhood Association supports efforts by local government and utility staff to protect the interests of citizens and fee-payers through transparency, accountability and due diligence.

SFNA is opposed to the tactics being used to harass current FPB Board members, specifically those targeting Mr Baldwin and Mrs Pavlik-Rosen, in reference to the KyMEA situation.

SFNA supports the calls for Mr Cubine to reconsider his resignation from the Board.

SFNA supports the Envision document reproduced below.

20 minute video primer on the KyMEA-FPB situation, including text and links to source documents:

The 1 Sept 2017 report from the independent consultants (E3) specifically recommended against a status quo situation in FPB-KyMEA relations (Strategy Alternatives for Frankfort Plant Board’s Participation in KyMEA) because it puts our community at risk:



Stand Up for FPB Board Members and their Scrutiny of the KYMEA Contract

1-      The FPB board has a fiduciary responsibility to scrutinize and understand their power contract with the KYMEA. They are following the advice of experienced independent consultants and they are doing their job, looking out for the interests of their customers.

2-      The KYMEA contract was rushed to a vote under strong pressure from KYMEA in August 2016, over objections from community members and two board members. Since that time, a majority of the board has been working to better understand and improve the contract.

3-      One problem with the KYMEA contract: It does not define what rates the FPB will pay to KYMEA and we still don’t know 15 months later. This and other ambiguities create risks for FPB customers – thus changes are needed to the contract.

4-      Another problem: The contract has 10-year commitments to power suppliers that make exiting from the contract very difficult, a serious liability.

Contact your City Commissioners and urge them to support our FPB Board Members and their diligence to ensure the KYMEA contract serves the best interests of our community.

Mayor Bill May 

Tommy Haynes 

Scott Tippett

Robert Roach

Lynn Bowers    502-682-9342

Write Letters to the Editor and talk to your neighbors and local businesses. Help us dispel the confusion being spread around this issue.


·         In 2014, FPB decided to switch away from its electricity supplier Kentucky Utilities, starting in 2019.

·         In 2015 FPB joins with several other municipal utilities to form the KYMEA (Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency).

·         In August 2016, without comparison to other options, public input, or debate, FPB entered into a power contract with KYMEA on a 3 – 2 vote. When board members and community members raised concerns about the contract, the KYMEA urged the board not to delay, telling them there was no benefit to delay and only risks.

·         In November 2016, the FPB voted unanimously to hire independent energy and legal consultants to evaluate and advise them on the KYMEA contract.

·         In June 2017 a national energy consulting firm, E3, presented their analysis of the KYMEA contract and recommendations. They advised the FPB to make changes to the contract to protect their customers. E3 raised concerns about the fact that we don’t know what rates KYMEA will charge or how they will calculate those rates; limitations on FPB’s rights to choose our power suppliers; and questionable management decisions by the KYMEA.

·         The FPB voted to take action on E3’s recommendations, making numerous requests of the KYMEA and also directing the Board attorney to select legal counsel to advise the board on these issues.

·         In August 2017 the KYMEA wrote a 49 page response that essentially refused to accommodate the FPB’s requests.

·         In October 2017 the FPB board voted to hire the legal counsel they had selected.

·         The FPB has had other low-cost power options. In 2016 Berea Municipal Utilities chose not to buy into the KYMEA power contract and instead will buy power from AMP Inc., from Ohio. Berea knows what their rates will be and expects to reduce their energy costs by 20%.

We want the FPB to continue their diligent effort to understand and improve the KYMEA contract, to ensure reliable, flexible, and affordable power for our community, and to make the KYMEA accountable to their customers.



volunteers needed – Scholarship Interviews

The All A Classic Board of Directors and the Frankfort Tourist Commission are seeking volunteers to help with their Scholarship Interviews for high school students graduating in 2018. The Scholarship Interviews will be held on November 18, 2017 at the Capital Plaza Hotel.

As you know, with the impending demolition of the Frankfort Convention Center, Frankfort will no longer host the All A Classic Basketball Tournament. However, we will continue to host the All A Soccer Tournament that is held in September each year at Capital View Park as well as the scholarship interviews.

The All A Board has moved the date of the interviews forward this year so as not to conflict with the holiday season.

As they have done for over 20 years, the All A Classic gives scholarship monies and in-kind scholarships to high school seniors from the approximately 120 small high school across Kentucky. Sporting events, such as the basketball tournament and soccer tournament, though ticket sales, generate these funds.

The All A Board needs our help in conducting the scholarship interviews. We need 24 people to help us this year on Nov. 18, 2017. The time commitment is from 9:30 am to approximately 5 pm on Saturday November 18, 2017. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, as well as instructions on the interview process. Interviewers will be assembled into groups of 2-3 people and each interview will take about 20 minutes.

The schedule for the day is outlined below:

9:30 am – Arrive at the Capital Plaza Hotel. Gather in the Seminar Room. Breakfast provided.

10 am – 1 pm – Interviewers divide into groups of 2-3 people and review student packets. Box lunches provided at 11:30 am.

1 pm – 5 pm – Student interviews conducted.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help with this important event. If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact me at

Thanks so much! Robin

Robin Antenucci

Robin Antenucci
Executive Director
Frankfort Tourist Commission
100 Capital Ave.
Frankfort, KY 40601
502-875-8687 – work