23 Sept 2017 – town hall meeting on public employee pension systems in Frankfort

Senator Carroll and Rep. Graham to hold town hall meeting on public employee pension systems in Frankfort

Senator Julian M. Carroll and Rep. Derrick Graham, both D-Frankfort, are holding a town hall meeting on the public employee pension systems on September 23 at 9 a.m. at Frankfort City Hall.

The town hall meeting will address public employee pension systems and the concerns of all state employees, county system employees (CERS), teachers and retirees from each of the pension systems.

Senator Carroll and Rep. Graham will be available to hear concerns, respond to questions, and share their opposition to some of the proposed recommendations by the PFM Consulting Group hired to evaluate the retirement systems.

The legislators encourage all state employees, county employees, teachers and retirees to attend the public meeting.

Governor Matt Bevin has repeatedly said he will call legislators into a special session to address the unfunded pension systems.

“Currently, there is not a proposal to address the pension shortfalls,” said Senator Carroll. “But, be assured, I do not support violating our inviolable contract with current vested employees and teachers or retirees.”

Rep. Graham said the state should honor its obligation to its employees and retirees and not put this burden on their backs. “We have a commitment to our employees and our retirees and we need to stand behind that commitment,” he added.

Senator Carroll said he plans to hold town hall meetings in all the counties in the 7th district that he represents. Those counties are Anderson, Franklin, Gallatin, Owen, and Woodford counties. Rep. Graham represents the 57th district of Franklin County. The town hall meeting will be in the council chamber meeting room at city hall.

Plan to redevelop downtown & Tower Plaza

“The City of Frankfort and Franklin County will soon be advertising a Request for Qualifications for a consulting firm to create a Master Plan for the redevelopment of portions of Frankfort including the downtown core, adjacent corridors and the current Capital Plaza Complex. We encourage citizens to submit names of consulting firms they feel would be a good fit for this project. If you have visited a town or city you felt was particularly inviting or appealing following a redevelopment, please submit the city name and consultant’s contact information, to cparrish@frankfort.ky.gov , PRIOR TO September 23, 2017.”