City Continues Neighborhood Enhancement Program

City Continues Neighborhood Enhancement Program

In response to the Frankfort City Commission’s 2017 direction to improve code enforcement and revive our neighborhoods, City staff will be continuing with a City Enhancement Program, according to City Manager Cindy Steinhauser.

The program, which was very successful in 2017, will consist of a number of elements designed to improve the safety and appearance of Frankfort neighborhoods.  The program will include a sweep of Frankfort neighborhoods.   The upcoming comprehensive sweep will include Planning and Code Enforcement, Public Works and the Parks Department.

During the sweep code enforcement personnel will be scanning for possible code violations.  Most minor code violations will be given a courtesy notice, with some exceptions.  Exceptions include repeat violators, properties with four or more violations and violations that pose imminent danger.  These exceptions will receive a notice of violation.

The Public Works Department will be looking for items the City can improve to enhance neighborhoods.  These items include pothole repair, street signs that need to be replaced, removed or updated, vehicles parked on rights of way that appear to be inoperable, vegetated areas in the right of way that need weed removal or mowing and curbs that need to be painted.

The Parks Department will also assist in the review by looking for street trees which need attention, limb obstruction, possible bike lane additions and the condition of City parks.

The City will conduct public meetings to give a brief presentation explaining the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.  Staff will be on hand to answer questions and address concerns.  Neighborhood meetings are listed below.  All meetings begin at 5:30 p.m.

10/2    Capital City Christian Church

10/11  Highland Christian Church

10/16  Immanuel Baptist Church

10/23  East Frankfort Baptist Church

10/30  Choateville Christian Church

11/6    New Life Church

11/13  Memorial Baptist Church

For additional information please contact Rebecca Hall at 502-352-2076.

Franklin County Farmers Market launches community Food Share

The South Frankfort Food Share brings you healthy, locally produced, fresh food at an affordable price—as low as $6 for 10 different types of vegetables. We make this cooperative food-buying program work by pooling our money and effort as a community, purchasing vegetables directly from farmers, and working together to distribute vegetables to shareholders.

One Food Share includes 10 different kinds of vegetables, plus easy recipes so you can be sure all the food it gets eaten—even by picky eaters.

This is a one-time program this year, and the number of Food Shares is limited. Place your order by 5 pm on September 20 so we know how many vegetables to purchase from the farmers. On September 25, from 5 to 7 pm, come to the Second Street School parking lot (506 W Second Street, Frankfort) to pick up your Food Share.

The South Frankfort Food Share is working TOGETHER to make fresh veggies affordable for ALL.

Let us answer your questions:

How much does it cost?

The South Frankfort Food Share is available on a sliding scale, based on your income and family size. You decide and tell us where you are on the scale:

  • $6 for folks purchasing a share with their SNAP/EBT cards
  • $12 for anyone meeting the WIC eligibility scale **
  • $25 for people with a higher income looking for a convenient way to get fresh, local food
  • $40 for community members with additional resources looking for a great source of local food and an opportunity to support fresh, local food for all

This cooperative buying program ensures that everyone who purchases a Food Share receives the same amount and quality of food. Whether you spend $6 on your SNAP/EBT card or $40 for the retail price, you take home the same food. If you were to purchase each Food Share item separately at the farmers market, we estimate the total retail cost would be $35-$40.

** We use the WIC eligibility scale for all shareholders, regardless of whether you identify as female or whether you have children. If you meet the income requirements for WIC eligibility, you qualify for a $12 Food Share.

Email us with questions:

How much food do I get?

You can expect 10 different kinds of vegetables in your Food Share. We can’t say what kinds for sure—it depends on what’s growing in the farmers’ fields that day.  Examples of vegetables you might receive include potatoes, tomatoes, corn, zucchini or summer squash, peppers, green beans, kale, lettuce, butternut squash, and a pumpkin.

With every vegetable, you will also take home easy recipes. When you pick up your Food Share, a chef will talk about fun and inexpensive ways to use these veggies, and you can taste samples, too!

How do I order?

A cooperative food-buying program works by pooling our money before the vegetables are delivered. We need to know how much food to get from our farmers, so you have to buy a share by 5 pm on September 20. Food Shares are limited, and they may run out before that time.

Place your order:

  • Pay with credit/debit cards: Buy a Food Share online with your credit or debit card. (Click here to purchase online.)
  • Pay with SNAP cards and cash: Buy a Food Share with your SNAP/EBT card or cash at the Franklin County Farmers Market in the Market Pavilion on the corner of Wilkinson and Broadway in Frankfort. We’re there every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 8 am to noon. If you can’t come to the Market Pavilion, email us at (Click here to print an order form.)

Email us with questions:

more information:


Facebook event:

Volunteer sign-up:

meeting called 16 Aug 2018, draft by-laws update

A special meeting of the Association is called for Thursday 16 Aug 2018 at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall of South Frankfort Presbyterian Church (enter off W 3rd St).

The purpose of this meeting is to ratify changes to the SFNA by-laws proposed by the new officers. These changes are necessary to facilitate the work of the association as it transitions to a 501c3 registered nonprofit organization.
The draft version of the new by-laws are available below this message.
Comments on the draft should be sent in advance of the meeting to Mike Fitzpatrick at <>
No other agenda items are scheduled for this meeting, though it will be a chance to share ideas and concerns with the new officers and to hear, briefly, about upcoming activities.
There will be no potluck at this meeting.

PDF of draft by-laws: Final SNFA draft Aug 2018

Upcoming Calendar items:

  • – Tues Aug 7: National Night Out from 6pm-8pm, hosted by Frankfort Police Dept at 2nd St School, cosponsored by FIS and SFNA, featuring community partners and lots of family fun activities.
  • – Fri Aug 10: Spellapalooza at Thorn Hill Education Center, from 5pm. Food, fun, bake sale, silent auction. Dinner at 5, spelling bee at 6pm.
  • – Sat Aug 11: Window Restoration Workshop in South Frankfort, organized by the City, registration required.
  • – Sat Aug 25:  Capital City Blues and River Festival at Ward Oates Amphitheater, benefit for the Sunshine Center (
  • – Sun 9 Sept:  Fall Arts Festival 2018 at Josephine Sculpture Park, 11am – 6pm
  • –  Thurs Oct 25: City Commission Candidates Forum, organized by SFNA, Frankfort High School Auditorium

FPB to discuss energy efficiency study at public meeting July 16

A Special Board Meeting of the Electric and Water Plant Board of the City of Frankfort, Kentucky will be held in the Community Room at the Paul Sawyer Public Library located at 319 Wapping Street, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601, on Monday, July 16, 2018, beginning at 6:00 p.m. 

The Agenda for this meeting is as follows:


  1. Informational Item: Present Energy Efficiency Program Assessment and Development Ideas.

Last year, FPB’s Board of Directors approved funds to study options for energy efficiency programs that would best meet the needs of FPB’s customer base.   Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) was chosen to lead this effort and began with stakeholder meetings in May.

Now at the midpoint of the 6-month development process, VEIC representatives Juliette Juillerat and Joananne Bachmann will give an update.  The consultants will present results from the May interviews along with how this information would be incorporated into a plan.  They will also discuss how the proposal could meet FPB customer needs.

  1. Public Comment & Questions Regarding Energy Efficiency Program Assessment and Development Ideas.

 Contact the board with questions or comments about this meeting by visiting

The community is invited to a public meeting to discuss energy efficiency on Monday, July 16, at 6 p.m. This special meeting of the Frankfort Plant Board (FPB) will be held in the Community Room of the Paul Sawyier Public Library in Frankfort.

Last year, FPB’s Board of Directors approved funds to study options of energy efficiency programs that would best meet the needs of FPB’s customer base. In March 2018, the board awarded a $120,000 contract to Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) to lead this effort. This not-for-profit company based in Vermont assists utilities in the design and implementation of energy efficiency programs.

In May, VEIC began the 6-month process of assessing the efficiency needs of FPB’s electric customers. The firm began by researching FPB’s residential, business and industrial energy consumers. VEIC representatives Juliette Juillerat and Carrie Hoover conducted a series of stakeholder meetings with representatives from each customer class. This process provided direct input to understanding customer interest and efficiency needs. Since May, the VEIC team has analyzed the interview data and has begun comparing the needs to possible programs.

Now at the midpoint of the 6-month development process, VEIC representatives Juliette Juillerat and Joananne Bachmann will be in Frankfort July 16 for a special public meeting and July 17 at FPB’s monthly board meeting to share their assessments and explore program development ideas.

The consultants will present results from the May interviews along with how this information would be incorporated into a plan.  They will also discuss how the proposal could meet FPB customer needs.  In addition, they will touch on how they have assessed barriers to participation and will highlight opportunities for various groups.

Following the presentation at Paul Sawyier Library, the audience will have the opportunity to make comments and ask questions concerning energy efficiency.

Road works in the area – repaving starts late this week

Road works in the area – repaving starts next week

The City’s paving contractor will begin work on paving of the repair patches in South Frankfort. This will be a couple days of work for them in removing the concrete caps and paving.

Parking will be impacted in some areas and “no parking” signs will be posted prior to the work.

City staff will be in the area marking with white paint the scope of the repair areas starting next week.

Areas include:
-East 2nd St, 220-230 blocks
– East 4th St, 220 block
– W 4th St, 300 block
– W 4th St at the High School
– Logan, 200, 300 and 500 blocks
– Murray, 300 and 400 blocks
– E Campbell, 200 block
– E Campbell at Logan
– W Campbell, 200 and 300 blocks
– Conway, 400 block
– Conway at Patton
– Ewing Court
– Ewing St, 300 block
– Hermitage, 300 block
– Marshall, 500 block
– Shelby St, 800 block

These are only repaving of existing patches, this is not whole street asphalt replacement.

City Commission Special Meeting Call & Agenda 6/11/18, Work Session Agenda 6/11/18 & Regular Meeting Agenda 6/25/18

Special Meeting 6/11 –—Agenda-6-11-18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 6/11 –—6-11-18.pdf

Regular Meeting Agenda 6/25/ –—June-2018.pdf