SFNA July Quarterly Meeting Notes and August Dates of Interest

Dear Neighbors,

This past Thursday the SFNA held its quarterly meeting at which memberships were renewed (the membership year runs July 1 to June 30), new officers were elected, and we had a presentation from the Frankfort Sewer Department regarding its long term control plan.  Meeting notes and supporting documents have been distributed by email, let us know if you need to be added to the email list.

Within the notes there is a section regarding a grant received by the city of Frankfort regarding a pilot project for Second Street School and the South Frankfort Area. SFNA will be contacting Fred Goins today requesting that there is a spot on the task force for an SFNA representative or that SFNA is kept in the loop on the task force activities. If you would like to be the SFNA representative (if we are able to get a spot), then please respond back to this e-mail. At this time, SFNA does not have a position regarding the project, but would like to be kept in the know.

Your new SFNA Executive Committee members are:
Chair – Katie Carney
Vice Chair – Tony Sholar
Secretary – Margaret Townsley
Treasurer – Lori Macintire
Member-at-large – Lisa Broaddus

We are all looking forward to this upcoming year and would love to hear from you. So if you have any comments; suggestions for upcoming meetings, newsletters, or articles for Capital Living; or just need to ask a question, then please get in touch.

As mentioned above, memberships for SFNA are up for renewal as of July 1, 2011. Our membership dues help out with the cost of the annual picnic, newsletter expenses, other social events (clean-up day, 4th of July parade, and winter holiday activities), and also they help supplement our Randy Bacon Memorial Scholarship. The membership application will be posted on the website soon.

If you have any suggestions for the Fall Newsletter or would like to write an article, then please get in touch. The newsletter process will begin in August for distribution in September prior to our Annual Picnic on Sunday, September 18, tentatively scheduled to be at Dolly Graham Park. Or if you would like to participate in picnic plans, please respond to this e-mail or contact Christa Sweger.

We are still looking for pictures. Please let us know if you have any of our various social events, historic pictures of your house, or if you would like to take a new picture of your house, please send them onto us. Pictures of social events we like to include on our website, newsletter, or the State Journal. Pictures of your home we are considering putting together a before and after presentation of homes in South Frankfort, so any additional historical knowledge of your home would be helpful too.

July/August Dates of Interest
Friday, July 29 – Out of Africa at the Grand Theater
Saturday, July 30 – “Dine to Donate” at Applebee’s for the Kings Center (download flyer) http://www.kingscenter.org/DineToDonate.htm
Monday, August 1 – Frankfort Independent Schools start school, please watch out for children getting to school
Friday, August 5 – Downtown Summer Concert
Friday, August 12 – Movie at the Grand Theater
Friday, August 12 – Capital City River and Blues Festival Weekend to benefit the Safe House/Emergency Women’s Shelter
Monday, August 15 – “Dine to Donate” at Applebee’s or Carinos for the Kings Center http://www.kingscenter.org/DineToDonate.htm
Friday, August 19 – Downtown Frankfort Summer Concert Series
Friday, August 19 – “Painting Under the Stars” community art project on the RJ Corman Railroad Mural
Friday, August 26 – Movie at the Grand Theater
Saturday, August 27 – “Keeping the Kings Center Afloat” at Frankfort Riverview Park

Please be sure to check out the SFNA website at www.southfrankfort.org or the Facebook page. If you would like additional information, wish to add someone to our e-mail distribution list or remove your name, then please send an e-mail.

Thank you so much and please stay cool!
Your SFNA Executive Committee and Board