SFNA News – email newsletter 23 March 2011

Hello Neighbors!

In planning this e-mail to you, we have discovered that there are many exciting things happening in our capital city this spring time. So our apologies for the lengthy e-mail, but we don’t want you to miss out on anything. Besides, the next e-mail will probably not be sent till early-mid April. We also apologize if for some reason we have missed an event or important article that affects our wonderful neighborhood. Please feel free to add our e-mail address to an organizations’ distribution list that we should be informed about or you are welcome to forward any upcoming information that you may know about that is happening.

Please feel free to take a gander at our website https://southfrankfort.org/ or find us on Facebook!

KUDOS to Frankfort Independent Schools. They have been in the news quite a bit these past few months. Wilkinson Street School for their volunteering efforts http://www.state-journal.com/news/simple_article/4991194. Frankfort Middle and High Schools for their groundbreaking on the new garden http://www.state-journal.com/news/article/5002135. Second Street School Governor’s Cup team placing third in the District 66 competition! Frankfort Independent Schools started their Spring Break yesterday, 3/22 and will be out of school until Monday, 4/11.

Speaking of FIS, there is another group associated with the school system, the Frankfort Independent Schools Education Foundation. FISEF is taking applications for the new Hall of Fame. Please take some time and consider nominating an administrator, teacher, supporter of the school system, or former student. The website address is www.fisef.org, a nomination form is attached, and check out this recent article in the State Journal. http://www.state-journal.com/news/article/5002640. The FISEF is also in the early stages of planning an all alumni reunion for a weekend in the fall of 2011. If you are interested in helping with the planning then please contact Katie Carney. The reunion will be open to all alumni and supporters of FHS and there will be a focus on classes that graduated in years ending in a 1 or a 6.
Downtown Frankfort, Kelly Everman’s weekly e-mail has a notice in it that RJ Corman will be replacing rail ties on Broadway over the next couple of weeks, so there might be some delays

At a recent city commission meeting, the commissioners discussed holding public forums relating to the garbage fee. Please check out the State Journal article for additional information. If SFNA by chance receives even more information, we will pass it along to you. http://www.state-journal.com/news/article/4995078

The Kings Center has a new director! We plan on inviting Jonathan Boyd to the April quarterly meeting of the association. http://www.kingscenter.org/Default.htm

Not for sure if we have forwarded this State Journal article about demolitions, but trust that the SFNA and other concerned citizens plan on continuing efforts on working with the city to try to preserve buildings rather than demolishing. We will continue to update you on this ongoing situation when additional information is available. http://www.state-journal.com/news/article/4991840

Kentucky’s 2010 Census data is available. Please check out the website and submit any comments or requests for information that you may want the neighborhood association to look into. This could possibly be added to the agenda for the April 28th quarterly meeting for discussion only. http://2010.census.gov/2010census/

Check out the April edition of the Capital Living publication. Caroline Taylor-Webb has written a great article regarding our upcoming SFNA quarterly meeting!

Now onto the Events of Interest to the neighborhood. Please mark your calendars and try to attend when your schedule allows.

March 24 – County wide neighborhood watch meeting, sponsored by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. http://www.state-journal.com/news/simple_article/4995743

March 26 – Open House of the Old YMCA building on Bridge Street from 10-2. Please come out, tour the building, and bring any old photos of the Old Y that you might want to share. Check out the attached flyer.

April 2 – Reforest Frankfort and Arbor Day at the Benson Creek Boat Ramp on Benson Valley Road off of Taylor Avenue. (My apologies to those that I incorrectly gave the wrong location for this event to.) The Reforest Frankfort group is also holding a competition for logo designs for the 2012 event. Please see the three attachments regarding the event. And many thanks to those that have volunteered to staff the SFNA table and anyone that comes out to help plant some trees!

April 11 – SFNA Spring Newsletter folding and distribution will start. We’d love to have some volunteers to walk around the neighborhood and distribute. Please let us know if you will be available.

April 12 – SFNA Executive Committee and Board meeting. Meeting time, location, and agenda will be distributed at a later date.

April 16 – Franklin County Farmers Market opens! Contact Connie Lemley for additional information  at 502-223-7936.

April 22 – Sunshine Center Caring for Kids Benefit Concert. Doors open at 6 p.m. at the Capital Plaza Hotel. http://www.state-journal.com/news/simple_article/4997723

April 23 – Tomorrow’s Children 5k Run/Walk starting at 8:30 at the First United Methodist Church. Entry form is attached and when the race route is available, we will remind people of any road closings.

April 28 – SFNA Quarterly Meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Frankfort Presbyterian Church’s Community Room. Agenda and information will be sent at a later time. Tentative speakers are Kris Shera with Community Gardens, Brad Thomas with GoFrankfort, and Robin Antenucci with Frankfort Beautification. If a quorum is present (1/3 of membership) then we will be voting on the new bylaws for the Association.

April 30 SFNA Neigbhorhood Clean-up with picnic afterwards.

Please enjoy this wonderful Spring weather and get in touch if you need anything.

Your SFNA Executive Committee and Board