Workshop on the Kentucky Historic Preservation Tax Credits

A Workshop on the Kentucky Historic Preservation Tax Credits

9:30 AM – 3:30 PM, Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Preservation On-Site Learning Series, Frankfort, Kentucky

This one-day workshop will introduce you to the Kentucky Historic Preservation Tax Credit that is now available to owners of historic properties that are investing in the rehabilitation of those historic buildings.   For properties that are for commercial use, the credit allowed is 20% of the amount invested by the owner over a 24 month period.  For properties that are used as private residences the credit allowed is 30% of the amount invested.  Non-profit organizations that own historic properties can also take advantage of this program by transferring the credits earned.  If you own a historic building or manage a non-profit organization that is housed in a historic building, you will want to come and learn more about this financial incentive offered in Kentucky. Presenters will include staff from the Kentucky Heritage Council, the state historic preservation office, and from Liberty Hall Historic Site.  Participants will have lunch at the Orlando Brown House (1835) and tour Liberty Hall (1796) to see the rehabilitation work already completed and hear about plans for work still to be done. 

Owners of historic commercial properties Owners who live in historic homes Managers of historic properties used by non- profit organizations Preservation Professionals  Architects with clients in historic properties 

9:30 Registration & Refreshments10:00 Introduction10:30 Tax Credits – How they work11:00 Buildings and Work that Qualifies12:00 LUNCH1:00 Tour1:30 Application Instructions2:00 Case Studies3:00 Q & A3:30 Adjourn

Registration Fee for this workshop is $40 and includes refreshment, lunch, tour and materials.To register, send in the completed form with a check payable to Liberty Hall Historic Site.  The deadline for registrations is Friday, March 19. For additional information or questions, call 502-227-2560 ore-mail Make checks for registration payable to Liberty Hall Historic Site and return by mail to:Taking Credit, Liberty Hall Historic Site, 202 Wilkinson Street, Frankfort, KY 40601.