Dear Neighbors,
Tonight your SFNA board will meet to discuss the agenda for the upcoming quarterly meeting. If you have any suggestions, then please let us know. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for either Thursday, September 19 OR Thursday, September 26 (pending confirmation from one speaker and EC/Board schedules).
Also, please mark your calendar for the annual SFNA fall event! On Sunday, October 6, in the afternoon, SFNA will host a fall festival – location is still being confirmed. We are wanting this event to be an opportunity to meet our neighbors and show all of Frankfort some of the glory that South Frankfort has to offer! If you are interested in a booth, volunteering, or helping with the organization of the festival, then please respond to this e-mail.
This weekend, please consider participating or showing support for two wonderful events. The Kentucky Senior Games will be happening, schedule attached. On Friday, September 7, they will have their opening ceremonies based in the Downtown Frankfort area and there will be two separate 5k walks/runs along Wilkinson Blvd and from what I can tell by the map they will be using the Riverview Trail! Please check out their website for additional information.
On Saturday, September 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. wander down to Riverview Park for the annual Frankfort Kentucky’s River Fest to help keep the Kings Center afloat, flyer attached. Coincidentally, SFNA has been challenged to a canoe race against residents of North Frankfort and we are waiting to see if anyone from Montrose Park neighborhood will also compete against the two of us. I will join our Vice Chair, Jennifer Oberlin, on Saturday afternoon in our race, the time will hopefully be posted on our Facebook page. But we encourage you to come cheer us on or participate in the overall festival. The Kings Center is a great resource our community has to provide programming year-round for our youth.
Looking forward to seeing you around our town,
Katie Carney and your SFNA Board