SFNA News April 2012

Dear Neighbors!

Happy Spring (or on some mornings the remnants of winter with the freeze and frost warnings?) to all! How about the article the other day about the Singing Bridge project possibly being completed ahead of schedule! The Frankfort Independent School students went back to class this week, hopefully they are adjusting to getting up early, but they do only have a few weeks left before being out for the summer. Also, we have received some additional information regarding the Second Street Form Based Code, if you would like additional information about the progress of the Task Force, please respond to this e-mail.

Some specific neighborhood association news:

On Saturday, 3/24 some neighbors hosted a successful yard sale for an elderly lady that had to move to an assisted living facility. Many thanks to Gene, Becky, and all those involved in helping with her transition. With events and neighbors like these, makes me so proud to have chosen South Frankfort to live in.

Recently Tony presented a website idea to me regarding helping others out and we would donate time or resources of our own to assist others. If anyone would like more information then we would be extremely happy in getting together to chat with others about this possibility.

The SFNA flyer for the April quarterly meeting is going to the printers this afternoon. We are hereby sending a plea to those that are interested in helping distribute the flyer to our neighbors. Please respond or e-mail Bob at if you are able to take a few streets. We hope to have flyers distributed by next Wednesday, April 18. Many thanks to Margaret, Beth, and Bob for helping coordinate the process for the flyers.  You can download it here.

At the April 5 Executive and Board meeting, we decided to change a few dates around. The neighborhood clean-up day will now be Saturday, April 21 (instead of 4/28). We will meet at 10 a.m. on the lawn of Frankfort High School with donuts, fruit, and juice for the volunteers and we will supply all the trash bags you might need. So please wear your walking shoes and sunscreen and join us while we contribute to the efforts of making South Frankfort beautiful!
Another date the EC/Board changed was the quarterly meeting night. We will now meet on Thursday, April 26 (instead of 4/19) at 6 p.m. with dinner and the meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Frankfort Presbyterian Church (enter on West Third Street). A tentative agenda is attached and hopefully Tony will have someone lined up to watch the kiddos for you. (If not, then I might send him upstairs with the children.) The reasoning for the date change was that we did not want to compete with the wonderful organizations also hosting events on the same night. We have been able to confirm with all of our speakers and are looking forward to learning about the options available to us for gardening.

Dates of interest of events happening in the area include:
Friday, April 13 – The Jobs for Kentucky Graduates class at Wilkinson Street School is sponsoring a car wash at the school from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, April 14 – Farmer’s Market opens at Riverview Park
Saturday, April 14 – Tomorrow’s Children annual 5k run/walk – streets are closing around 8 a.m. and consist of Broadway, Washington, West Main, Ann, and Capital Avenue.
Thursday, April 19 – Farm City Banquet at the Capital Plaza Hotel
Thursday, April 19 – Sunshine Center Benefit Concert featuring Ben Sollee at the Grand Theater at 7:30
Thursday, April 19 – CASA fundraiser at Bistro 241
Saturday, April 21 – SFNA clean-up day at 10 a.m. at FHS
Sunday, April 22 – Earth Day
Monday, April 23 – Franklin County Community Council meeting
Thursday, April 26 – Community Safety Day at Paul Sawyier
Thursday, April 26 – SFNA quarterly meeting at 6 p.m. at South Frankfort Presbyterian Church
Tuesday, May 1 – Frankfort Chamber of Commerce presents the primary candidates forum at 6 p.m. at Investor’s Heritage Auditorium
Friday, May 4 – KSU graduation
Saturday, May 5 – Derby Day festivities in downtown Frankfort
Saturday, May 12 – Franklin County Council on Family Abuse, Annual Steak Holders Summer at First United Methodist Church
Friday, May 18 – ProActive for Life 5K run/walk at 6:30 p.m. (some downtown and South Frankfort streets will be closed)
Friday, May 18 – Simon House, A Night in Margaritaville, at the Frankfort County Club
Saturday, May 19 – Go Frankfort’s volunteer day
Tuesday, May 22 – Primary election day

Future Dates of Interest
Downtown Summer concerts start on Friday, June 1
FISD last day of school for the summer is Friday, June 8
Kings Center Annual Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction, Saturday, June 30

Please be sure to check out the SFNA website at www.southfrankfort.orgor the Facebook page. If you would like additional information, wish to add someone to our e-mail distribution list or remove your name, then please send an e-mail  The SFNA Facebook page has about 150 followers and the e-mail distribution list is around 200. We are working on a goal of increasing both of these numbers…would 500 people on each be too much to request? Will you help make this happen? Also, attached is our membership application – we try to keep our annual expenses down, but we do encounter some printing and supply costs.

Looking forward to seeing everyone out and about!
Your SFNA Board