SFNA January 2012 email news

We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that your new year is off to a good start!

On Thursday, 1/19, SFNA will have it’s first quarterly meeting of the year. So please join us between 6 and 7 for a little social hour, light supper (with donations benefiting the SFNA’s Randy Bacon Memorial Scholarship fund), and we have invited an employee from the city recycling center to be available to explain our recycling program. Then at 7 our meeting will begin with committee reports and then our speaker will discuss the helicopter and airplane flight path. The meeting will be at the South Frankfort Presbyterian Church on the corner of 3rd and Steele Streets, please enter through the side doors on 3rd Street.

January Events of Interest
Tuesday, 1/17 – Governor’s budget address to the KY General Assembly (7 p.m.)
Thursday, 1/19 – SFNA Quarterly meeting
Wednesday, 1/25 – 1/29 – Kentucky Touchstone Energy All “A” Classic Basketball tournament at the Civic Center
Thursday, 1/26 – Red Cross Bean Soup Lunch at VFW on 2nd Street

meeting agenda:

7:00 p.m. – Meeting
I. Reports
a. Chair
b. Treasurer
c. Membership Development and Officer Nomination
d. Government Affairs
e. Beautification
f. Communications
g. Community Events

II. Captain Stephen Martin, Kentucky National Guard to provide an update on air traffic patters.

III. Other business
a. Bacon Scholarship update
b. Next quarterly meeting
i. April 19
c. July quarterly meeting
i. Election of officers

IV. Adjournment