South Frankfort Neighborhhod Watch meeting & other news

Dear Neighbors,

During the last e-mail to you, we mention that October will be a busy month. Well the schedules are in and between now and the quarterly meeting, there are many events of interest to SFNA. Please consider attending the events that are of interest to you. At the end of this e-mail is an updated calendar of events for October. If anyone is familiar with Google calendars, then please let us know some of its background and user friendliness features.

REMINDER – Tonight – Thursday, October 6, SFNA will host a neighborhood watch meeting in the Community Room at Paul Sawyier Library at 5 p.m. Neighbors in our area are meeting to discuss forming a Neighborhood Watch so we can get to know each other better and reduce the chance of criminal activity in our community. Watches are just that: Neighbors watching out for themselves and each other to make the neighborhood a safer place to live. A local law enforcement officer will help train us in personal safety and security, and teach us ways to work together to tackle problems. If you have any questions, please reply to this e-mail.

REMINDER – Saturday, October 8, from 8a-1p at Second Street School Gym, SFNA will host its first ever yard-plant-bake sale as a fundraiser for the Randy Bacon Memorial Scholarship. The time is inching closer to the SFNA yardsale that will benefit the Randy Bacon Scholarship. If you have any items to drop off please contact Christa Sweger.  We have had several donations already and are getting things priced and ready for the big sale next Saturday. Please stop by and see if you find any treasures!!! Thanks to all who had made donations and we hope this event is successful for the Randy Bacon Scholarship fund!!

Saturday, October 15, SFNA will host one of our Adopt A Highway clean-up projects. We will focus on Second Street and Capitol Avenue.  We will meet at 10 a.m. at the VFW parking lot on the corner of 2nd Street and Capitol Avenue.

Thursday, October 20, SFNA will hold its quarterly meeting at the Farmer’s Bank Downtown Branch Community Room on the 4th Floor. The doors will open at 6:30 for a little social gathering and the meeting will start at 7 p.m. Please see the attached agenda and consider bringing with you some old photographs of South Frankfort and your homes, a scanner will be on hand so you can take your photos home with you.

SFNA memberships are up for renewal as of July 1, 2011. Please see the attached membership application and mail back to the PO Box listed. Our membership dues help out with the cost of the annual picnic, newsletter expenses, other social events (clean-up day, 4th of July parade, and winter holiday activities), and they also help supplement our Randy Bacon Memorial Scholarship.

Please be sure to check out the SFNA website at or the Facebook page. If you would like additional information, wish to add someone to our e-mail distribution list or remove your name, then please send an e-mail. The SFNA Facebook page has about 150 followers and the e-mail distribution list is around 200. We are working on a goal of increasing both of these numbers…would 500 people on each be too much to request? Will you help make this happen?

See you in October at one of our sponsored events!
Your SFNA Executive Committee and Board

October 2011 Dates of Interest
Monday, 10/3 – Frankfort Independent Schools Fall Break starts – keep an eye out for the kiddos during this great fall weather!
Thursday, 10/6 – SFNA Neighborhood Watch Meeting at PSPL from 5-6 (note the time change)
Friday, 10/7 – WeWannaPlay’s Black Cat Scramble, see attached flyer or visit their website at
Saturday, 10/8 – SFNA Yard Sale from 8-1 at SSS gym
Saturday, 10/8 – Franklin County Women’s Shelter will also host a yard sale at their house. 303 East Third Street.
Saturday, 10/8 – KSU Homecoming Parade starting around 9:15 a.m., streets in downtown and South Frankfort will be closed
Tuesday, 10/11 – Second Street Form Based Code Task Force will host a second community forum, at 5:30 refreshments will be served and the workshop will start at 6. It will be at the Investor’s Heritage Auditorium on 2nd Street. See the attached flyer and agenda.
Thursday, 10/13 – SFNA Executive Committee and Board meeting. Please reply back with any suggestions or comments for the board’s consideration.
Saturday, 10/15 – SFNA Adopt A Highway clean-up day! 10 a.m. at the VFW parking lot.
Saturday, 10/15 – Go Frankfort Dodgeball Tournament, see attached flyer
Sunday, 10/16 – Crop Walk at 2 p.m. starting at the 1st Christian Church on Ann Street. The walk is a 2 mile loop thru downtown. Please bring canned goods and non-perishable items to benefit the Soup Kitchen. If you feel called to coordinate a group of walkers, donors and rockers to help the hungry of this community, country, and world, PLEASE contact Kim Cowherd, or the church office at (502) 223-2346.
Thursday, 10/20 – SFNA Quarterly meeting at 6:30 at the Farmer’s Bank Downtown Branch’s Community Room. Agenda is attached.
Saturday, 10/22 – Sweet Sarah’s on 2nd Street will host an open house and their One Year Anniversary Party at 7 p.m.!!!!
Monday, 10/24 – FIS students return to class, but still keep an eye out for pedestrians and bicyclists while driving.
Friday, 10/28 – The annual Black Cat Chase will happen in the evening. Many roads throughout Downtown Frankfort will be closed and some in South Frankfort.
Tuesday, 11/15 – SFNA scholarship applications due. Application packet is online.