SFNA e-mail news

Dear Neighbors,

The primary reason for this e-mail is a reminder about the City Commission work meeting that starts tonight, Monday, February 14 at 4:45 at City Hall. They have quite a few items on their agenda discussing South Frankfort. Following is a link that Sellus Wilder has placed on the State Journal website. http://www.state-journal.com/news/simple_article/4980711

Some additional supporting articles with property (Old YMCA on Bridge Street and other abandoned properties) in South Frankfort have been in the State Journal this past month. And I have attached the letter again relating to the 412 Murray Street property.

Recently KET aired a documentary titled “More Than Child’s Play, Why Physical Activity Matters”. Please check this link out, we have been told that the King’s Center is mentioned in it. http://www.ket.org/cgi-bin/cheetah/watch_video.pl?nola=kmtcp+000002&altdir=&template=

Within a month or so additional Census data will be made available to the public. Is there any specific data you are especially interested in? After our March Executive Committee and Board meeting we shall hopefully be able to provide you with some additional information about what might become available for our review.

The City of Frankfort has forwarded a link to us and if there is interest, then we will do some follow-thru and get more information. It relates to enjoying our wonderful neighborhood even more.


In the February issue of Capital Living we submitted an article about South Frankfort. We hope you’ve had a chance to check it out, copies are available at many local businesses. If you have any suggestions for future articles that you would like to see written regarding South Frankfort in this publication, then please let us know. As a side note, planning will start soon on our bi-annual newsletter, please let us know if there are any specific topics you would like to have mentioned in the April or fall newsletter.

Attached are some flyers regarding the Council on Family Abuse and items needed at the Safe House. If you are interested, in this organization, please take a gander, consider volunteering, or donate some items.

With this warm weather we shall be getting this week, I’m sure that most everyone will want to start some house and land projects. Please refer to our contractors list that is attached for some recommended people to help you out on those projects. Also not on the list, but possibly available are some men from the Men’s Shelter. Please contact Linda Brown at 223-5179.

If you are interested in joining the South Frankfort Neighborhood Association, then please fill out the attached application and since we are in the second half of the fiscal year your dues are half price! Please seriously consider joining if you haven’t in a few years. Also, at our April 28th quarterly meeting we shall be voting on the bylaw amendments and we must have a certain percentage of our membership vote in favor of the changes in order for them to be changed. The proposed bylaws are attached and the Executive Committee is available to review any of your suggestions.

Upcoming Dates

Tonight – City Commission meeting at 4:45

February 24 – Frankfort Rotary Club International Dinner (flyer attached)

February 26 – FHS Football pancake breakfast at FHS Cafeteria. All you can eat from 8:30-11 for $5.00. All proceeds benefit FHS Football.

March 8 – SFNA Executive Committee and Board meeting. Time and location to be announced.

March 12 – Go Frankfort Dodgeball Tournament (money raised will go towards their bi-annual days of service with the next one scheduled for May 21.)

March 12 – Tentative date for SFNA winter family night (more details to be announced when they are confirmed)

April 2 – Reforest Frankfort (looking for volunteers to help promote South Frankfort in our booth)

April 12 – SFNA Executive Committee and Board meeting. Time and location to be announced.

April 28 – SFNA Quarterly meeting (moved from original/normal date due to holiday activities)

April 30 – SFNA Clean-up day (cooking out afterwards!)

May 7 – Derby Day (anyone want to volunteer to help promote South Frankfort if we get a booth reserved?)

All of this information will be sent to our website www.southfrankfort.org and to our Facebook page if you need to refer back to it at a later date.

Thanks to you all! Happy Valentine’s Day.
Your SFNA Executive Committee and Board