SFNA annual picnic set for 19 Sept 2010

The South Frankfort Neighborhood Association is hosting its annual picnic on Sunday, September 19 from 4-7 p.m. on the front lawn of Frankfort High School on Shelby Street.

(Rain date is Sunday, September 26.)

Entertainment will be provided by Jerri Katherine Howell.  Pic Pac will be providing their famous fried chicken and we are asking people to bring a potluck dish to share. There will be raffle prizes and games for children. Everyone is invited and all of the raffle ticket proceeds go to the Randy Bacon Scholarship Fund that benefits a graduating senior at Frankfort High School each year with a college scholarship.

For additional information people are welcome to contact Christa Sweger by e-mail at christasweger /at/ yahoo.com or Katie Carney by e-mail katcarn2 /at/ yahoo.com