2009 city leaf pickup / leaf vaccuum schedule

The City of Frankfort will provide street side Leaf Collection Services. The City is divided into four work zones and each zone will be serviced for three days. Operations will not service a zone before the scheduled date. Should a zone be completed before the three-day allotment, crews will back track into previous zones. If a zone is not completed within the three-day period, the leaf crew will move into the next scheduled zone. Residents should have their leaves raked as close to the edge of the street as possible, without causing a traffic hazard or blocking drainage structures. All leaves should be by the street, at 7:00 A.M., on the scheduled period for collection. Leaves with Trash and Sticks will be Tagged until owner corrects it. All Sticks and Trash should be placed in regular garbage pickup.

full schedule: http://www.frankfort.ky.gov/dmdocuments/leaf%20schedule2009.pdf